Saturday, January 7, 2012

So its been almost a year since I last posted. I am not very good at this blogging thing, but I love rereading it and having the memories written down, so I going to try to do better.

Having a 3rd baby is exponentially more work. I am tired all the time and feel like I don't sit down until they are all in bed at night. It is also so much fun. I love watching the boys talk to Audrey and try to make her smile. She adores them! Oh and girls clothes are SO stinkin cute!

Anyway, I don't think I want this blog to just be about the kids, I would like it to reflect me, which is mostly wrapped up in the kids, but I have a brain that occasionally works and a heart that is in love with my wonderful husband and trying to build a better relationship with God.

I think this blog will become more like a journal that I just happen to leave open for the entire world to read. (who am I kidding, I don't think anyone actually reads this)

So there it is, an outline to do a better job blogging, feel free to keep me accountable.

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