Monday, March 29, 2010

little moments

Last week when it was bed time, I asked Dude to go potty and put a pull up on, then hop in bed and wait for me to come sing to him. I put Buddy to bed and went back to get Dude down for his nap. He had done what I asked but was waiting for me in my room. I laid down on my bed and told him he needed to go take a nap so I could take a nap. So he climbed up on my bed with me and said "put mommy to bed". He then sang songs to me, said prayers and kissed me goodnight. Hearing his little voice sing "you never know mommy how much I wuv you..." It was such a sweet moment. I wish someone had been there to get a video of it. My sweet Dude has the tenderest heart. I love that boy so much!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

sleep over

This is what I found when I checked on the boys as I went to bed last night.

I did put Dude back in his bed and let little buddy roll over. It makes my heart smile knowing that Dude wants to be this close to his little brother.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Why is it that every time I feed my kids Mac n Cheese or chicken nuggets, I feel guilty? Whats with that? I think it makes me a bad mother, yet when I hear of my friends or other parents doing it, I don't think poorly of them. We have Mac n cheese a few times a month (yes we go through phases where its a few times a week) and hit the McDonald's drive through maybe once a month yet I feel all this guilt. I try to hide it by throwing away the evidence before anyone else sees it.
I keep hearing all these people talking about cutting out processed foods and being healthier and I feel like I should be doing that for my children. Some days I just want to make a box of mac and not feel so damn guilty?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It is so fun watching these boys play together and love each other. Dude has learned how ticklish Buddy is...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

funny quotes

Today while running up a steep hill Dude yelled, "mom RUN". I guess I wasn't going very fast.

Later on this same day he was sitting on the pot trying to poop when he told me "poop is stuck, it stuck mama". It is so much fun listening to what comes out of his mouth.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

He's walking!

My sweet little Buddy is walking. He took his first step about a month ago but didn't do anymore after that. Yesterday he tried it again and took 4 steps. Today he did even more. I'm excited for him to be walking and growing up but wow does it go fast!

I don't know how to turn the video, so just turn your head.

Friday, March 5, 2010

brotherly love

Earlier this week we took a walk to the park. Buddy and Tank climbed up the steps and went right for the slide. It is so fun to watch them play together.

A few toys weren't working so my wonderful man thought he would take them apart and fix them. He was so excited to bust out the soldering gun and fix the toys. He was successfully fixed 2 toys (with the help of dude). That's my man!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the boy loves olives!

I can't really blame him, they are so delicious!
I thought I should put a few pictures of my little man's birthday party. Thanks to all of you that came, we had a blast!

A monkey cake for my little monkey



opening presents

Thanks to Michelle and David for bringing their bouncy castle, it was a hit!