Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I am having a hard time. It has been a hard week (or two) and I really want to run away. So I will make a list of all the things that have made me smile in the last week instead.

N going head first down the slide, into the pool
C gaining a pound
C head banging with me (or at me)
N staying dry last night
both boys riding their bikes together
taking a nap
playing soccer with my man
watching C and N play with Daddy
N asking his brother to come play with him
Hugs from N and C

Monday, July 5, 2010

you are almost 3

and as cute as ever!

boys and their bikes

both boys got new bikes a few days ago (thank you Grammy and Papi). All they want to do is ride them. As soon as they wake up, they are asking to go outside and ride bikes.

They ride a couple driveways down, turn around and come back.

I love watching them ride together.

The smiles and the riding last for hours.

camping in Big Cottonwood Canyon

We went camping a few weeks ago up Big Cottonwood Canyon (only 30 minutes from home).

Dude was so excited to "fish". Look what he caught!

Learning how to cast

reeling it in

not too bad for a 30 minute drive

about 20 minutes after we got there, this moose decided to snack on the bushes right by us. He hung around while we set up the tent and got the fire going. Dude wanted to know if he could ride him.
Buddy and I were there as well, we just aren't in any pictures. We also has some good friends join us for the second night. The kids had a blast hiking, fishing and playing together.

He is SO cute!